A group of graduate students at Northern Vermont University (NVU) was in the midst of investigating rural poverty in Vermont for a class advocacy project when COVID-19 began spreading throughout the...
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VTDigger.org Looks on "The Bright Side"
As critical as news media is to keeping us informed throughout this global pandemic, the constant updates on new cases, deaths, medical studies, potential treatments, social distancing measures, government infighting, and the like can be overwhelming for just about anyone.
To provide an outlet for relief, VTDigger.org has launched The Bright Side, a series on Vermonters doing good during the coronavirus crisis. It's already filled with stories like the Vermont Folklife Center convening mask-making crafters for virtual conversations; a local nurse rallying local businesses to donate meals for frontline workers; and a UVM physician's assistant's ingenious idea to repurpose unused graduation gowns as personal protective equipment in hospitals experiencing shortages.
See all The Bright Side stories here. To submit a story on someone who's stepping up, email coronavirus@vtdigger.org with subject line "The Bright Side".