On Monday, the Vermont Community Foundation announced $380,500 in grants in the fourth round of grantmaking from the VT COVID-19 Response Fund.
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Generator VT and PPE
When the Generator Makerspace in Burlington was forced to close its doors to members as a result of COVID-19, members of their community were motivated to use the manufacturing space for good. In response to requests from the UVM Medical Center and other area hospitals, Generator has begun fabricating personal protective equipment, specifically face shields that extend the life of N95 masks and intubation boxes, which are placed over patients' heads while medical workers intubate them, limiting spread of the virus.
Generator has already delivered over 500 face shields to UVMMC and has a goal to manufacture 5,000 total. The Vermont Community Foundation is proud to have provided a grant to help Generator get a headstart on its initiative.
"The story of Generator's pivot to producing essential personal protective equipment face shields for healthcare workers fighting COVID-19 wouldn't have been possible without the early gift from the VT COVID-19 Response Fund, which led to a crucial two-day head start on purchasing materials and setting up production and fulfillment lines." Dan Harvey, Generator Board of Directors and Meg Hammond, Generator Executive Director
Learn more on Generator's website, and be sure to listen to Meg Hammond discuss the project on Vermont Public Radio.