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Come Alive Outside’s 100 Miles, 100 Days Challenge brings together a community of 1,700 to walk for health and wellness

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It is no secret that the last few months have been really difficult. Due to COVID-19, people across the nation are experiencing higher levels of anxiety and depression.

Fortunately, Come Alive Outside’s Mile-A-Day program is proving to be a salve for these pandemic times, as outdoor activity is a cheap and effective way to relieve stress and curb a bad mood. Mile-a-Day encourages participants to develop a daily walking habit outdoors and has been remarkably successful in increasing mental well-being. When surveyed, 100% of participants from Come Alive Outside’s Mile-A-Day Spring challenge reported that the program had a positive impact on their mental well-being.

Come Alive Outside launched their 100 Days, 100 Miles Challenge this summer, extending the reach of the program to “Vermont and beyond,” thereby bringing their health and wellness benefits to as many people as possible. There are currently over 1,700 participants in the 100 Days, 100 Miles Challenge. The majority of these walkers are in Vermont, but folks from 43 additional states and Canada have joined this summer’s challenge. 

“Seeing the photos and messages that this summer’s Mile-A-Day participants post on social media is the highlight of my day, every day," said Arwen Turner, Executive Director of Come Alive Outside. "This community is so incredibly supportive of each other and it is inspiring to see the positive impact a daily walk outside is having on people’s health and wellness. Nature is good medicine!” .

The Mile A Day program is sponsored in Vermont by Casella Waste, Heritage Family Credit Union and Rutland Regional Medical Center. 

Come Alive Outside is a 501c3 non-profit that works with communities to create the awareness, intention and opportunity for people to live healthier lives outside.

To find out more about Come Alive Outside’s programs and to find out how you can participate in the next Mile-A-Day challenge, visit

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